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  • 生肖守护神

    生肖守护神 文 /  中文听书网

    类型: 科幻

    更新时间: 2017/7/10 12:19:00

    播音: 唐家三少  

    人气: 加载中

    状态: 完结

    小说关键字: 科幻类,有声小说,生肖守护神,在线收听,免费下载



    十二生肖,意味着十二个月份,但是,没有人晓得,他们也意味着十二位守护者。十二位传承着生肖血脉的守护者。他们具有着本身属相的才能,默默的守卫着东方。 麒麟,东方的祥瑞,当具有麒麟血脉的王者来临时,他将统御十二生肖为守护东方而奉献出本人全部的力气。 痞子麒麟,纵横人世,都市神话,十二生肖,尽在本书之中。The twelve zodiac, symbolizing the twelve month, however, no one knows, they also symbolize the twelve guardians. The twelve heritage animal blood guardian. They have their own animal abilities, silently guarded the eastern.Kirin, Oriental auspicious, when a unicorn blood king comes, he will rule the twelve zodiac guard for the East and give all their strength.Ruffian Kirin, aspect of human, urban myths, twelve animals, as in the book
