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  • 狄仁杰之通天帝国

    狄仁杰之通天帝国 文 / 

    类型: 评书

    更新时间: 2016/2/4 19:42:00

    播音: 林千羽  巨浪  

    人气: 加载中

    状态: 完结

    小说关键字: 评书类,有声小说,狄仁杰之通天帝国,在线收听,免费下载


    美观听书武则天为登基而建造通天浮屠,但是在完工前数日,朝廷发作一桩奇案:工部侍郎贾颐在未建成的通天浮屠里,在众目睽睽之下全身自燃,随后,担任侦查此案的大理寺正卿薛勇也以同样方式毙命,一时间,满朝上下人心惶惶,武则天召回已被革职羁押长达八年的狄仁杰,并命其三天之内侦破这桩关乎朝廷安危的奇案,先皇御赐“通天神探”的狄仁杰,临危授命,搅进了一桩深不见底的惊天阴谋中。Wu zetian for was built, but FuTu tongtian and in a few days before completion, court happened a pile ShiLang JiaYi uated: well in the FuTu tongtian have not been completed, in the whole body, then under the eyes of the spontaneous combustion, responsible for investigation of the case is also a XueYong Dali temple in the same way, at that time, the court would panic, wu zetian up and down the heart has been removed for recall custody of eight years, and DiRenJie life third day solve this pile of the safety of the court for uated first emperor royal, give "tongtian secret agent" DiRenJie, was dangerous, stir into a pile bottomless blockbuster plot.

    (感激您收听狄仁杰之通天帝国哦!, 这次评书的播音员是: 李野默,作者是:林千羽,他为我们奉献了众多评书MP3经典作品. 是您听有声小说听有声读物的休闲好中央。这里聚集用户喜欢的李野默评书下载以及在线收听.提供各类狄仁杰之通天帝国,评书相声等,让您免费在线收听及打包下载,为您的生活添加无限乐趣 我们不断努力于提供最新最好的评书网资源以及有声读物。假如收听狄仁杰之通天帝国有什么问题,欢送您反应给我们哦。 分有玄幻,武侠,都市,言情,女生,科幻,推理,恐惧,惊悚,历史,军事,网游,推理,评书,相声,儿童,评书,学习等众多相似评书,狄仁杰之通天帝国的免费网络资源。欢送您在线听狄仁杰之通天帝国。目前狄仁杰之通天帝国下载收听 状态是结束啦! , 感激您不断以来的支持.)
