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  • 嗜血的皇冠

    嗜血的皇冠 文 /  曹昇

    类型: 历史

    更新时间: 2019/5/31 15:53:00

    播音: 佚名  

    人气: 加载中

    状态: 完结

    小说关键字: 历史类,有声小说,嗜血的皇冠,在线收听,免费下载


    在《流血的仕途:李斯与秦帝国》中,曹昇复活了千古一相李斯的风采,对这位传奇人物的刻画及其精神世界的重建,更是入骨三分,力透纸背。而这一次,这个史界第一才子,将他睥睨的目光转向了古代第一帝王——汉光武帝刘秀。新作《嗜血的皇冠:光武皇帝之刘秀的秀》,在曹昇天马行空之文笔下,重现新朝末年至东汉初年历史的风云际会,历史的血色风流,将刘秀,刘縯,王莽这一个个人物,隔着绵长的时间带到读者面前,带给我们另一种理解历史的境界。In the "bloody career: Li Si and the Qin Empire", Cao L resurrected through the ages with Reese"s style, portrayal of the legend and the spirit of the reconstruction of the world, Such is Life is the third, paper is punctured.This time, the history of community first wit, his eyes turned to the ancient arrogance of the first emperor - Han Guangwu.New work "bloodthirsty Crown: Kuang Wu emperor Liu Xiu"s show," The ideas in writing, Cao L, the reproducibility of new early years of Eastern Han Dynasty to the history of North Korea"s situation will be, the history of romantic color, the Liu, Yan Liu, Wang Mang all these characters, separated by long stretches of time to the readers, give us an understanding of the history of another realm.
