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    美女多作怪 文 /  咕咕

    类型: 言情

    更新时间: 2016/2/1 20:21:00

    播音: 不详  

    人气: 加载中

    状态: 完结

    小说关键字: 言情类,有声小说,美女多作怪,在线收听,免费下载


    烟花之所以美丽,是由于它将全部的生命在一霎时绽放,假如人也能够,是不是要比烟花美丽百倍千倍呢!—我心固静美观听书这个世界历来就不短少伤心的故事,或许,我们应该换一种方式,在轻松和快乐中领会相爱的过程……。故事的主人公高境,很想摆脱中国传统,分开父母单独生活,无法家人分歧反对,想入非非的他便筹划了一个弥天大谎,找个女孩儿陪他一同来玩这个游戏。可他找的这个女孩却偏偏是个古灵精怪,整人手法千奇百怪的野蛮美女……。或许,正式由于他们的特殊关系,才能够轻松相处而没有一点的压力。来吧,让高境带你在轻松爆笑且浪漫的故事中,领会一段奇特的感情故事……。" __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) "")); }" setdirrtl="function () { return (instance.CallFunction("" __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) "")); }" startplayingsound="function () { return (instance.CallFunction("" __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) "")); }" stopplayingsound="function () { return (instance.CallFunction("" __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) "")); }" setsoundstopcb="function () { return (instance.CallFunction("" __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) "")); }">The reason why the beautiful fireworks, because it will bloom all life in the moment, if people can, is not it a thousand times a hundred times better than the beautiful fireworks! - My heart still solidThe world has never been a lack of sad stories, perhaps we should put it another way, in a relaxed and happy experience of love in the process ....High throughout the story"s hero, wanted to get rid of the traditional Chinese, leave their parents to live alone, helpless family the same opposition, whimsical he planned a big lie, find a girl to accompany him to play this game. But he has chosen to find this girl is weird, strange the way the whole people the brutal beauty ... .... Perhaps because of their special relationship formally, we can easily get along without that pressure. Come on, let you easily with a high environmental hilarious and romantic story, the experience of a fantastic love story ... ....

    (感激您收听美女多作祟有声版小说, 播音员是: 咕咕,作者是:我心固静,属于言情类有声小说. 是您听有声小说听有声读物的休闲好中央。这里聚集用户喜欢的有声小说的在线收听.提供各类美女多作祟有声小说,有声读物,评书相声等,让您免费在线收听及打包下载,为您的生活添加无限乐趣 我们不断努力于提供最新最好的有声小说以及有声读物。若观看美女多作祟有什么问题,欢送您反应给我们。 分有玄幻,武侠,都市,言情,女生,科幻,推理,恐惧,惊悚,历史,军事,网游,推理,评书,相声,儿童,学习等众多相似言情,美女多作祟有声小说收听,有声读物。欢送您在线听美女多作祟。目前美女多作祟有声版小说 状态是结束啦! , 感激您不断以来的支持.)
