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    原罪 文 /  赵岭

    类型: 都市

    更新时间: 2017/7/10 16:07:00

    播音: 沐岩  

    人气: 加载中

    状态: 完结

    小说关键字: 都市类,有声小说,原罪,在线收听,免费下载


    美观听书某日,A省高院经济庭庭长李志国和经济庭审讯员王洋二人同时因涉嫌行贿被捕。一时间,与他们有关的省高院副院长、某著名律师、官员、当事人等其他许多形形色色、与此有着千丝万缕联络的人,都好像一群惊弓之鸟,堕入一片忧虑和恐慌之中。他们不动声色地奔波、刺探、重新规划……事情的原因,是源于某人内心深深的仇恨;这仇恨,又来自于A省一张潜在的精心编制的关系网。随着一系列事情的发作,他们发现,那其实早已潜藏的危机,正刻不容缓地向他们渐渐逼近。随着故事的演进,一系列不为人知的司法系统黑幕,以及那些或许尚不为人所知的“潜规则”,将得以再现……One day, A High Court Tribunal for the economy and the economic court judges Wang Yang Zhiguo while two were arrested on suspicion of bribery. For a time, with their vice president of the provincial high, a well-known lawyers, officials, parties and so many other kinds, and this is inextricably linked to people, are like a group of frightened, into an anxiety and panic. They run quietly, the military, re-layout of the ... ... cause of the incident, is deep resentment from the person inside; this resentment, but also from the province of a potential A well-prepared network of relationships.With a series of events, they found that it actually had a potential crisis, is slowly approaching to them without delay. As the story evolved, a series of little-known shady judicial system, and those who may not yet known "hidden rules", will be able to reproduce ... ...

    (感激您收听原罪有声版小说, 播音员是: 赵岭,作者是:沐岩,属于都市类有声小说. 是您听有声小说听有声读物的休闲好中央。这里聚集用户喜欢的有声小说的在线收听.提供各类原罪有声小说,有声读物,评书相声等,让您免费在线收听及打包下载,为您的生活添加无限乐趣 我们不断努力于提供最新最好的有声小说以及有声读物。若观看原罪有什么问题,欢送您反应给我们。 分有玄幻,武侠,都市,言情,女生,科幻,推理,恐惧,惊悚,历史,军事,网游,推理,评书,相声,儿童,学习等众多相似都市,原罪有声小说收听,有声读物。欢送您在线听原罪。目前原罪有声版小说 状态是结束啦! , 感激您不断以来的支持.)
